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Indoor / Outdoor Fun
in Enrichment
Hydrangea Love
with Michael Crossan

Let’s talk Hydrangeas and all their varying types including pruning, care and identifying the plants in your garden for the best blooms possible.
Photos & Food Retreat with Jonathan & Chris
with Chris Toy

Join wildlife photographer Jonathan Lavan and cooking instructor Chris Toy for a fantastic weekend of photography and food. The retreat happens on the shores of Merrymeeting Bay in the Butler Head Nature Preserve. Come prepared for some nature walks with your cameras and hands on cooking lessons. A limited number of Air BNB style overnight accommodations with shared bathrooms are available for $100/weekend. Contact Chris Toy at FMI.
Trail-Wise (Hiking 101 and 102)
with Brad Rounds

Start from ground zero or learn more about hiking as well as a bit about off-track XC skiing and snowshoeing. Gain more comfort in the Maine woods. Maine has literally thousands of miles of publicly-accessible trails. Info on all four seasons. Topics include methods of hiking, reducing risk, tools of the trade, clothing, trail marking, trail guides, weather, getting lost, stream crossings and more.
Spring Garden Clean Ups
with Michael Crossan

Learn how to wake up those plants in your garden! We’ll talk about feeding and care to get the best boost for your plants in the upcoming growing season.
Beginner Golf Clinic
with Johnny Johnston

Beginner Golfers: Learn the fundamentals of the sport in a fun, judgement-free indoor setting using simulators or the driving range, weather permitting. If you’re new to golf or just looking for basic fundamentals, this is your class! Join us for an in-depth introduction of putting, chipping and full swing with irons and woods along with a discussion of the rules and course etiquette. Please note: Bringing your own clubs is highly recommended. Please note at the time of registration if you do not have a set.
Map & Compass Basics
with Brad Rounds

Map and Compass Basics is a Next Step program from Maine INland Fisheries and Wildlife. This workshop teaches use of maps to obtain distance, direction, and detail information and how to use an orienteering compass. Also learn hot to use map and compass together. If you have a preferred compass, bring it, but loaners are available, It's a combination indoor/outdoor session.
Summer Veggies Anyone?
with Michael Crossan

Plan out your summer vegetable garden! Pros & cons of raised beds vs. small bordered gardens - find out what grows best with what to achieve the best yields.
Carving & Cooking Retreat with Ken & Chris
with Chris Toy

Join master wood carver Ken Wise and cooking instructor Chris Toy for a fantastic weekend of hands on Carving and Cooking instruction. Learn how to carve cooking utensils such as chopsticks, spatulas, and spoons. Then use them to prepare, cook, and eat some tasty Asian fusion recipes from Chris Toy’s cookbooks! The retreat happens on the shores of Merrymeeting Bay in the Butler Head Nature Preserve. A limited number of Air BNB style overnight accommodations with shared bathrooms are available for $100/weekend. Contact Chris Toy at FMI.