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Business Training
in Business & Skills Training
Online Teaching: Designing Online Instruction
with UGotClass LERN

Learn about the online instructional environment, envisioning your online course, developing a web course, phases of design and development, design guidelines, and more. Discover the principles behind the adoption of technology innovation and the nature of the online learning environment. Then get tips for planning your online course, identifying resources and design guidelines. Discuss the phases of design and development and models, motivating student-student interaction, and managing interaction. Get the latest information on copyright issues, assessment and evaluation.
CEUs/ILUs: 1.6Length (in hours): 16Price in USD $195.00
Power BI: Intermediate Power BI
with UGotClass LERN

Delve further into Power Query to ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) your data. Build the Data Model using modeling features and relationships. Perform calculations using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) functions. Utilize Time Intelligence functions to view YoY or YTD reports. Add user friendly features to enhance your reports.
CEUs/ILUs: 1.6Length (in hours): 16Price in USD $195.00
Pro. Mgmt: Project Management Processes
with UGotClass LERN

Acquire a well-rounded knowledge of the five Project Management Processes relating to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide. This basic information will assist you in learning the beginnings of Project Management, whether you are interested in project management, in a project management field, or in any line of work. Come away with a solid foundation of the five processes to learn and use when any type of project occurs in your employment arena.
CEUs/ILUs: 1.6Length (in hours): 16Price in USD $195.00
QB Online: QuickBooks Online Level 2
with UGotClass LERN

Now know how to work with more advanced QuickBooks Online topics. Become capable with such skills as how to customize settings, banking, credit cards, foreign currencies, statements for debts collection, using tags and projects. And come away with your Certificate in Quickbooks Online.
CEUs/ILUs: 1.6
Length (in hours): 16
Price in USD $195.00
Remote: Managing Remote Workers
with UGotClass LERN

You cannot manage remote workers like you manage office workers. But you can manage remote workers better, with greater productivity and efficiency. Discover the keys to successful managing in the new workplace of the 21st century. Get a step-by-step practical guide you won’t get anywhere else. Employees and employers both like the new system. You’ll want to apply these practices to your office workers as well.
CEUs/ILUs: 1.6Length (in hours): 16Price in USD $245.00
Six: Intermediate Six Sigma Green Belt
with UGotClass LERN

To be successful, organizations must manage by fact. As such, organizations depend on the measurement and analysis of performance to make key decisions that affect the organization. This Intermediate Six Sigma Green Belt course builds on the ideas and skills learned in the Introduction to Six Sigma Green Belt course that organizations use, specifically their Six Sigma teams, to improve. In this second course in the certification program, participants will learn process analysis, data collection and analysis, probability and valid statistical conclusions, and hypothesis testing. Many participants find this course to be the most challenging of the certification courses.
CEUs/ILUs: 1.6Length (in hours): 16Price in USD $195.00
Soc.: Marketing Using Social Media
with UGotClass LERN

The benefits of social media make it an essential part of a business plan. Social Media Marketing has become more than running digital advertising campaigns; it allows your business to build a following of loyal customers through authentic posts and interactions creating excitement for your business as it grows. Each platform gives your business the tools to successfully build your brand, connect with your customers, and track analytics. This course will focus on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Nextdoor. CEUs/ILUs: 1.6Length (in hours): 16Price in USD $195.00
Statistics: Evaluation Research
with UGotClass LERN

Road test evaluation research for your organization. You won’t be disappointed. Evaluation research can give you and your organization a systematic assessment of the value of resources and time you commit to a project, product, or specific goal. Evaluation research can determine whether or not a process has achieved a goal or yielded the desired results. Get introduced to the characteristics of evaluation research and how it can be directly applied to assess the impact or effectiveness of a program, policy, or procedure you want to road test in a professional setting. CEUs/ILUs: 1.6, Length (in hours): 16, Price in USD $195.00