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College Prep & Planning
Pre-College Math
with Jessica Trimmer

Looking at college, but haven't done math in years? Want to boost your Accuplacer score? Includes the basics: fractions, percentages, proportions, as well as all applications. Accuplacer or CASAS score of 236 or lower is required.
For more information, please reach out to our Career and College Access Coordinator at 207-892-1819 extension 2193
SMCC 040: Tuesday, 1/14 - 5/6; 7:00 - 8:30pm; FREE
WRAE 040: Open enrollment. Contact Jessica at 892-1819; FREE
Pre-College Reading and Writing
with Jessica Trimmer

Strengthen your understanding of the interconnected relationship between reading and writing for academic purposes. Apply your comprehension of paragraph and essay structure to analyze and produce narrative, compare and contrast, cause and effect, and persuasive writing.
For more information, please reach out to Jessica Trimmer, our Career and College Access Coordinator, at 207-892-1819 extension 2193
SMCC 040 (Accuplacer 430-469 or CASAS 232-238)
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1/21 - 5/8; 5:00-7:00pm; In-Person; FREE
SMCC 080 (Accuplacer 470 or higher or CASAS 239 or highter)
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1/21-5/8; 2:00-4:00pm; In-Person; FREE
WRAE: Open Enrollment. Contact Jessica at 892-1819; FREE
Adulting 101: For the Love of Money
with Finance Authority of Maine

Adulting is tough. Finances can be one of the trickiest parts of adulthood. Whether you've been Adulting for decades or are just getting started... banking basics, spending plans, credit scores and budgeting tools are available to make things a little bit easier. Join Steve Kautz, FAME's Financial Education Programs Specialist for this one-hour virtual workshop as we explore fundamental money skills.
Successful Scholarship Searches and Applications
with Finance Authority of Maine

Scholarships can go a long way in helping students cover college costs, but being successful in the scholarship application process can take some work. Learn to build and work you scholarship application plan. Try out different scholarship websites, and learn to avoid some of the challenges of the scholarship process. Students and parents interested in learning about the scholarship process are encouraged to attend.
Planning and Paying for College
with Finance Authority of Maine

Do you have children who will be looking at college in the next few years or might you be thinking of returning to school yourself? Now is a great time to start thinking about the college financial aid process and ways to boost college savings. The earlier you start, the more confident and relaxed you will feel when it's time to apply for financial aid. Join Jessica Whittier, FAME's College Access Counselor for this one-hour workshop as we talk all things paying for college.
College Success with Catherine Giuffre-Renaud
with Jessica Trimmer

Focus on the essential skills of a successful college student: study skills, time management, decision-making strategies, financial literacy, career pathways exploration and building writing skills for academic readiness. Accuplacer score of 470 or higher or CASAS score of 239 or higher is required. Fulfills required FIG graduation credit at both CMCC & SMCC.
Monday, 3/10 - 4/28; 5:00-8:00pm; First and last classes are 3/10 & 4/28 from 5-8pm; other classes are asynchronous; FREE
For information on registering for this class, please reach out to our Academic Coordinator, Cathy Giuffre-Renaud, at 207-892-1819 ext.2191 or email at
Adulting 102: Money Grows
with Finance Authority of Maine

So, you're on a budget, managing a bank account, and wondering about the next steps in your financial journey. We'll look at the differences between saving and investing, and if you are ready to invest, how to get started. Other topics will include protecting your assets (insurance) advanced budgeting, and understanding the role economics plays in our financial life. Join Steve Kautz, FAME's Financial Education Programs Specialist for this one-hour virtual workshop as you take the next steps into Adulting.
Spring into College Savings: The Alfond Grant and Maine's College Savings Program
with Finance Authority of Maine

Join us – with College Savings Superstar Alfond Foundation member, Caroline Palmatier! Maine families have access to two valuable programs to assist with saving and paying for education after high school: the $500 Alfond Grant and Maine’s College Savings program. While these initiatives offer great benefits, understanding each of their features can sometimes be challenging. Whether you’re a parent, guardian, or student, this session will provide you with information to make the most of these valuable resources. Join us to improve your understanding and take steps towards a successful educational future! Presenter: