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Online Training
in Career Pathways
Connecting Women to Construction Jobs
with New Ventures Maine

In this one-hour Zoom session, women* and underrepresented workers can explore high-wage careers in the construction trades as well as low-cost or no-cost training programs and job opportunities!
*people who identify as women or as gender-expansive, gender-nonconforming, or non-binary
Connecting Women to Forestry Careers
with New Ventures Maine

Take advantage of this one-hour Zoom session designed for women* and underrepresented workers interested in exploring careers within the forestry trades! *people who identify as women or as gender-expansive, gender-nonconforming, or non-binary
Resume Strategies
with New Ventures Maine

Need to write or update your resume? In this one-hour interactive workshop, you will learn how to create an effective resume that highlights your skills and experience from our professional staff.
My Money Works
with New Ventures Maine

This interactive five-session class with our professional staff will help you gain the skills and confidence you need to stretch your money, pay your bills, reduce debt, save, plan for retirement, and set personal financial goals to achieve greater financial stability.
Budgeting Basics
with New Ventures Maine

In this interactive workshop, we will explore building a budget that works for you. We will cover money tracking, goal setting, and how having a sense of your overall financial situation can assist you in creating and using a budget.
Accounting: Financial Analysis & Planning for Non-Financial Managers
with UGotClass LERN

With the demands of daily operations, non-financial managers may put financial reports on the shelf. But take a look at some of the most admired companies like Apple, Google, and Berkshire Hathaway. Sure, they are evaluated by their products, innovation, and culture but they wouldn’t be in the limelight without profits. Money matters! This course will help you build on your understanding of financial concepts and help you establish your role in the financial success of your organization. Designed for non-financial managers, business owners, entrepreneurs, and other decision-makers, this advanced course will take the mystery out of money matters. Throughout this course, financial information that drives your organization, as seen on the business’s reports, will be assessed and analyzed to understand it. An understanding of this information will help you make smart decisions when it comes to budgeting, setting goals, and assessing performance within your own area of influence.
CEUs/ILUs: 1.6
Length (in hours): 16
Price in USD $195.00
AI (Artificial Intelligence) Certificate
with UGotClass LERN

Give your organization a competitive advantage with Artificial Intelligence (AI). And position yourself in an emerging knowledge specialty and growth area. Explore what AI can do to reduce costs, gather more and better business data, automate time-consuming tasks, improve efficiency, lower human error, reallocate staff time for higher priority functions, and more. Then master the concepts and fundamental techniques of implementing AI. Finally, develop an AI plan and strategy to deliver results for your workplace. Walk away with the knowledge and confidence to help lead your organization into this exciting new area of business expertise.
Includes: Intro to ChatGPT, Intermediate AI, AI Planning & Strategies
AI: AI Planning and Strategies
with UGotClass LERN

Develop effective AI strategies to solve complex problems across various industries. Gain practical insights into how AI can be harnessed to enhance efficiency and drive innovation. By the end of the course, you will have the skills to create robust AI planning solutions that can adapt to dynamic environments and meet organizational goals.