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Online Training
in Career Pathways
Budgeting Basics
with New Ventures Maine

In this interactive workshop, we will explore building a budget that works for you. We will cover money tracking, goal setting, and how having a sense of your overall financial situation can assist you in creating and using a budget.
Let's Talk About Credit
with New Ventures Maine

Learn how to reduce your debt, improve your credit, and maintain a good credit score. Create your own step-by-step plan to pay down your debt.
My Money Works
with New Ventures Maine

This interactive five-session class with our professional staff will help you gain the skills and confidence you need to stretch your money, pay your bills, reduce debt, save, plan for retirement, and set personal financial goals to achieve greater financial stability.
Build Your Savings
with New Ventures Maine

Setting money aside helps you plan for the future and reach your goals. While saving can be challenging, taking small steps can make a difference.
AI: Intermediate AI
with UGotClass LERN

Dive deeper into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence. Explore machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, and neural networks, while gaining hands-on experience with popular AI frameworks and tools. Take your AI expertise to the next level.
Bas. Game: Intermediate Game Design
with UGotClass LERN

Worldwide, video game sales including consoles, online, and mobile games are projected to reach $111 billion dollars this year. Mobile games are the fastest-growing segment of the market as more and more people play casual games. In this intermediate introductory course, you will learn the basics of video game design process, learn about the main video game genres, and use a game development application to begin your journey of making games. CEUs/ILUs: 1.6Length (in hours): 16Price in USD $245.00
Bus. Writing: Effective Copywriting
with UGotClass LERN

Whether you are sending out a press release, communicating internally with a memo or promoting your own skills on LinkedIn, strong writing skills are the key to success. Come away with the tools and techniques you need to improve your copywriting skills and learn how to avoid the common writing mistakes that can hold you back.
CEUs/ILUs: 1.6Length (in hours): 16Price in USD $195.00
Coding: HTML Fundamentals
with UGotClass LERN

This course covers all the basics of HTML coding language. You will learn building simple web pages by hand coding, using HTML tags to create paragraphs, heading, lists, links, insert images and tables and more. We also cover creating a simple multi-page website with images, text and a navigation bar.
CEUs/ILUs: 1.6 Length (in hours): 16Price in USD $245.00