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Career Pathways
Leadership: Leadership Principles
with UGotClass LERN
Especially for Gen Y (born 1980-1999), the course serves as the first of three in a series addressing the development of Generation Y leadership. Find out what it takes to become an effective leader. Discover your style of leadership. Discuss task completion, building relationships with your subordinates, becoming socially perceptive to changes in the workplace, utilizing your emotions in a positive and effective manner, and addressing challenging goals. Finally, the course offers the opportunity to perform a case study analysis of workplace conflicts that require effective leadership, allowing you to apply your unique leadership characteristics revealed through completing the class.
CEUs/ILUs: 1.6Length (in hours): 16Price in USD $145.00
Management Certificate
with UGotClass LERN
Enhance your management skills through this program for supervisors, managers, and emerging leaders. Nothing creates success like a solid foundation. Discover the keys for effectively managing your employees. Find out how to create clear expectations, engage and motivate employees, and increase your effectiveness. Then you will explore the principles of collaborative management and gain insight on how to expand your collaborative skills for success of your team or organization. Finally, get the keys to manage different generations in your workplace. Discover what motivates each generation at work, what incentives they respond to, and what messages they value.
CEUs/ILUs: 4.8Length (in hours): 48Price in USD $595.00
Management: Management Boot Camp
with UGotClass LERN
Enhance your management skills through this course for supervisors, managers, and emerging leaders. Nothing creates success like a solid foundation. Discover the keys for effectively managing your employees. Find out how to create clear expectations, engage and motivate employees, and increase your effectiveness. By the end of the course you will be managing like a pro - quickly and with confidence.
CEUs/ILUs: 1.6Length (in hours): 16Price in USD $295.00 (Management Boot Camp is provided by Riverside Community College, Riverside, California.)
Marketing Certificate
with UGotClass LERN
Discover advanced and new best practices in marketing, the changing field that now integrates traditional print marketing with digital marketing for even greater marketing success. Young generations are embracing print as well as online media, creating this exciting new area of marketing. Gain advanced marketing concepts and principles such as R, F, & M analysis; AIDA, and the 3-30-3 principle, that lead directly to practical marketing success. Learn the secrets of writing marketing copy, including easy steps in editing. Acquire the understanding of how digital marketing and print complement and enhance each other, and how to integrate both kinds of marketing for even greater overall effectiveness. Start any month. Come away with a new marketing expertise to make your value in the workplace even stronger.
CEUs/ILUs: 4.8Length (in hours): 48Price in USD $495.00
Marketing: Advanced Marketing Concepts
with UGotClass LERN
Acquire expertise in R, F & M Analysis. Understand the 80/20 Principle. Better know the impact of price on sales. Take your knowledge of marketing to a new level. These concepts are what the best marketers use for designing marketing strategies that improve performance and return. Gaining these advanced marketing concepts will enable you to develop more effective marketing campaigns and results. Forget the fads, dump the buzz words. Come away with an advanced level of proven marketing knowledge you will start using on Monday morning, and every week thereafter. CEUs/ILUs: 1.6, Length (in hours): 16, Price in USD $195.00
Mastering Video Marketing Certificate
with UGotClass LERN
Video marketing is the latest hot new marketing trend. Shoppers who viewed product videos were 144% more likely to add the product to their cart. Video with good SEO has a 53% higher chance of showing up on page one of Google searches. When done correctly, video can tell a story, and stories connect people. Video also leads to an emotion ‘trigger’ that plain text cannot do.
CEUs/ILUs: 3.2Length (in hours): 32Price in USD $395.00
Mastering Video: Video Marketing
with UGotClass LERN
Sight, sound and motion are much more compelling than static words on a page. Video is very hypnotic and it quickly speeds up the “know, like and trust,” factor with your audience. In this course you will discover how to use simple online video to quickly bond with your viewer, drive traffic to your website, boost business and build brand awareness. Find out how to shoot simple, effective videos without costly fancy equipment or savvy technical skills. Discover the secrets to creating content that commands attention. Learn how to dominate Google and YouTube with your video and to strategically use YouTube to market your business 24/7 -- even while you sleep.
CEUs/ILUs: 1.6Length (in hours): 16Price in UD $245.00
Non-Profit Administration Certificate
with UGotClass LERN
Non-profits today need to be run like a business in many respects. You have competition, a need to generate income and a surplus, and staff need to be even more productive. Get the best training on revenue generation for nonprofits, and program evaluation for nonprofits, with our Certificate in NonProfit Administration. You will come away with the latest best information from instructors who train people in nonprofits.
CEUs/ILUs: 4.8Length (in hours): 48Price in USD $595.00